Friday, 24 October 2008

Zombies: Weapons

In this installment I will be discussing what the best weapons are for fighting the walking dead from the prospective of a British person.
However first I will cover the number one rule when facing zombies, don't engage them in combat unless it's 100% necessary. Remember rescuing pets is not 100% necessary and will only land you in trouble.
So time for a run down of the different types of weapons.

Really not an issue for the average Brit because we don't have easy access to guns so it is unlikely you will have one at hand in the event of a zombie attack. Unless you have access to them through the army, police, local crime lords or you are just a farmer.
However if you happen to be one of the lucky few that does have access to firearms here then this will be your primary zombie killer because it can be used at range. With lots of ammo, a well trained person with a gun can kill alot of zombies.
This brings up another important point about guns, don't even bother trying to use one if you have no training because you won't be able to hit jack shit.
Now for a quick run down of the different types of guns and their uses against zombies.
  1. Machine guns - pretty much the worse sort of gun you can use against zombies because they are designed spray as many bullets as possible over a battlefield in the quickest amount of time. Thus they lose accuracy , making headshots next to impossible.
  2. Semi-automatic - The best zombie killer when coupled with a disciplined shooter. They kill lots of zombies in a short space of time, accurate over long range too.
  3. Shotguns - Short range stopping power only but they can save you in a tight spot but they do take up lots of room so consider this if you have to make a long journey.
  4. Pistols - If you do come across gun in Britain, it will most likely be a pistol. Unfortunately studies have shown that of all wasted ballistic damage done to zombies 73% are caused by handguns. (source - zombie survival guide) However they are useful if you are grabbed by a zombie, you cannot really miss from point blank and because they are light they are worth taking along.

Blunt objects

The goal when using a blunt object is to crush the brain and because the skull is one of the hardest parts of the human body, after all its job is to protect the brain, it is hard to do this. It has to be done with one blow as well because at close range you don't get a second chance.
With this in mind the best things to look out for are crow bars (as half-life has shown) as they are light, durable and have multi-propose. The cricket bat is also very useful (as Shaun of the Dead has shown) and is very common in Britain, just make sure it's a wooden one, as plastic quick cricket bat will do nothing.


There are not really many blade objects laying around your average house that will make much difference against a zombie (i.e. knives) however swords can be useful for chopping off bits. You don't even have to kill the zombie, chop off its legs and it can no longer walk, arms and it cannot bait you and chop off the head and it just becomes a head on the floor that is easy to avoid.
You have to keep them sharp.


Any form of fire is a bad idea against zombies because a zombie on fire is still alive. All you do when you use fire is a)create a zombie on fire b) unleash fire in your environment giving you none zombie related danger as fire spreads and will endanger you.

Power Tools

They may look cool in films (brain dead, Evil Dead 2 ect) however in real life they are pretty much useless as zombie killing machines. Not only are they big, they also need power so only have finite use. They are also very noisy, bringing every zombie within ear shot down on you. A weapon for the films only

Well that's a quick run down of weapons, if you have any questions concerning weapons feel free to leave a comment below. But always remember, it is better to no confront them at all, if you can run away do so.

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