Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Zombies: Transport

You know what a zombie is, you have your weapons and a decent plan. Now you need to consider your transport options, what follows is a run down of the main transport types you will have access to, with a few none so common ones thrown in at the end.

General advice:
Ask yourself the following questions before you choose your mode of transport.
1. How far are you traveling? If it is long distance then something with good miles per gallon ratio is going to be needed to0 minimise fuel stops or even searching for fuel.

2. How far into the zombie outbreak is it? If it is early and everything is going normal still, then it is going to be fairly straight forward to make it from A to B. However it is late in the day, i.e. zombies are at your door, then it is going to be difficult.

3.How hard is it going to be to get fuel? Related to the above because one it is going to be risky stop for fuel, not only might the petrol stations be full of zombies but there is a high chance that the fuel will be all gone.

4.What is your route? Again, deep into the zombie outbreak the main routes are going to be blocked with abandoned cars, some of which might contain zombies. Every car is a threat, especially if you are walking past them. Random zombies could grab at you and bite you, leading to your doom.

Types of transport:

Your bog standard car is the most likely method of transport. The problem is that they are designed for roads, and decent roads at that. They don't do fields well, as anybody who has been to a festival will testify, this is a problem when a road is likely to be littered with broken erm cars.
Not the best choice, but maybe your only one and if you are early enough to avoid the panic, it will do just fine.

The vehicle that plagues the middle class school run. Mainly used by idiots who have never taken it anywhere near off road. But their time has come now, as most likely all the owners will be dead, you could get one fairly easy if you live in say Harrogate or Chelsea. They can handle off road (assuming it is a decent model and not the just for show models). Better than a car but not by much.

Trucks,lorries and buses
They are big, slow, poor mileage. In short useless, apart from for mobile fortress type missions (think the truck from Dad's Army). If used to escape, they will just turn into your grave.

Dirt bikes in particular are brilliant get away vehicles. They are quick, dirt bikes can go off road and light weight so can be pushed if necessary. Their negatives are that they offer no protection, one stray zombie arm and you are a goner, plus they have low mileage.

They are quiet compared to the other things on this list, they are easy to maintain, mountain bikes can go off road with ease, they don't require fuel. The negatives are that unless you are a top bike rider or been taking a hell of a lot of EPO, you aren't going to be able to travel huge distances in one go.
Overall the best one to go with, just don't forget safety, it would be sad if you survived the hoard only to end up cycling over the end of a cliff.